The 2024-2025 academic year, will be from September through May and consists of:
29 Private Lessons reserved exclusively for each student
3 Small Group Lessons created for social connection and for deeper study into music history, composers, theory, ear training, rhythm, composition, transposition, and other musical areas.
Summer lessons are highly encouraged and will be determined in May or early June.
Weekly Schedule and Yearly Calendar are located on the website for all current students.
Academic Year Tuition:
30 Minute Private Lessons & 3 Group Lessons
$1,062 per academic year ($118 per month)
45 Minute Private Lessons & 3 Group Lessons
$1,494per academic year ($166 per month)
60 Minute Private Lessons & 3 Group Lessons
$1,962 per academic year ($218 per month)
New students entering the studio mid-year will receive the number of remaining weeks on the academic calendar with accordingly prorated tuition.
Summer Tuition: Summer Lessons will be charged as follows:
30 Minute Private Lesson - $31 each
45 Minute Private Lesson - $46 each
60 Minute Private Lesson - $62 each
Annual Studio/Registration Fee: A one-time fee equal to the amount of one lesson per student is payable at the first lesson of the academic year. This fee covers student set-up, printing, supplies, and studio owned repertoire.
Recital Fee: $25 per student is included in the academic year tuition. Participation in the recital is expected of all students. Please see calendar for the estimated date.
Late Payments: Tuition is due on the first of the month paid according to your contract unless other prior arrangements have been made with Sherri Lauritsen. A late payment fee of $15 will be imposed if tuition is not paid by the 15th of the month and/or invoices paid 15 days from receipt. Invoices will be issued for materials purchased and summer lessons.
I reserve the right to alter the schedule and/or individual contracts at my discretion should unforeseen circumstances arise.
Missed Lessons: Because specific times are set aside for specific students, a student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. I will then use that time to plan for the student's progress, locate materials etc. (see “Where Does My Tuition Go?”). There are no refunds, discounts, or makeups given unless I am unable to teach the promised number of lessons.
Swap Lessons: Students may trade private lesson times by referencing the Weekly Schedule page and the Contacts page of the studio website. Please use the following rules to ensure swaps go smoothly:
After arranging a swap, please inform me at least 24 hours in advance of the first lesson. (Please swap with students with the same length of lesson.)
Should 2 people arrive at once, I will teach the one whose lesson is normally at that time.
If confusion from a swap arises, there will be no makeup lessons given.
Give Lesson Time to Siblings: A sick or absent student with a sibling currently taking lessons, may give the sibling their lesson time, often making their lesson twice the normal length! I can use this time to delve deeper into a piece of repertoire, do ear training, play musical games, and other fun learning activities.
Teacher Flex Days/Weeks: Flex days/weeks are for unexpected times when I am not available to teach lessons. These are not paid for by students. I will use them for things such as jury duty, illness, and any unexpected time off for me during the school year. If I need to use a flex day/week, the end of the studio academic year will be extended, or the lesson will be made up during the summer.
Inclement Weather (based on the West Des Moines and Norwalk School Districts):
In general:
if school has a late start, lessons will be held
if school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, lessons will be canceled
if school is canceled for the entire day, lessons will be canceled
Snow days will extend the studio academic year or be made up during summer lessons.
Please feel free to text, email me or call me during the weekday prior to 8:30 pm. If you need to get in touch with me during lesson times, please send a text. I will try to look at the message, but I may not respond immediately unless it is urgent. If you need to miss a lesson, please notify me as soon as possible. Also, I love hearing from you so, please write me anytime about what is happening with you or your student or to ask questions!
Regular practice is essential for success at playing the piano and making music. Young students, especially, need loving encouragement and praise while they are practicing as they become aware of the discipline and commitment required to attain skills. I have found that students thrive when their parents engage in the students practice by sitting at the piano with them, asking questions about what they are practicing, by asking them to be the teacher, and simply by asking to hear their song. Feel free to be positively creative in helping to motivate your student for his or her effective practice.
Please help remind your student(s) to practice at least 5 days a week at a set time. Regular and mindful practice promotes progress which, in turn, encourages the student. Please also be aware that it can be discouraging for the student if he or she comes unprepared for their lesson. However it is understood that there are times when life gets very busy and there may be an exceptional week where practice is minimal. Students are still expected to attend their lesson. There is a lot we can do and much learning can still be achieved.
Weekly assignment/lesson sheets will include practice goals for the upcoming week and contain specific instructions for what and how to practice. A practice log is included on each assignment/lesson sheet for students to record their practice.
Repertoire and Lesson Materials: A variety of materials will be used in lessons.
Lesson books: Provided by student per teacher instruction. The studio may purchase books for reimbursement by the student. Other sources for students to purchase books can be recommended if needed.
Three-ring binder with tab dividers marked as follows: weekly assignment, theory sheets, and repertoire.
Metronome: for practice at home. These can be purchased from music stores, online, or as an app on a smartphone or tablet.
Piano: Although an acoustic piano is highly recommended for learning how to play the piano, electronic pianos are permissible as well. Please contact Sherri Lauritsen for requirements when buying an electric piano.
Tuning: It is important for acoustic pianos be tuned regularly (a minimum of once a year depending upon the piano) by a qualified tuner. Tuners can be recommended upon request.
Materials Borrowed: In an attempt to keep students’ costs down, the studio has purchased sight reading books, sheet music and other repertoire for students to borrow. All materials should be treated respectfully, kept neat, and clean with no writing in them so that they remain legible for others to borrow in the future. Borrowed materials are to be returned immediately upon completion of their study.
If for any reason you must stop lessons, one month’s notice is required. At that time, I will prorate the tuition for your final month to reflect the number of lessons that you have received based on the last lesson date. You will be required to pay this balance within 30 days.
It is preferred that parents, siblings and friends who are not students of the studio please wait outside. However, please feel free to enter the studio during the transition period between students. No food or drink, other than water should be brought into the home or studio. It is my desire to provide a clean and neat space for my students and their families. Please remove shoes upon entering the home and come with clean hands. A bathroom is provided.
Trophy Triumphs: Students of Sherri Lauritsen Piano Studio may earn a trophy upon meeting the criteria for the following four categories: Love to Practice, Performance, Scales/Chords, and Theory Smarts.
Iowa Music Teachers Association (IMTA): As a member of the IMTA, my students can enjoy the benefits of participating in IMTA Piano Festivals and Auditions. Both non-competitive masterclass festivals and auditions are wonderful ways to enhance the student’s learning process and help them to not only become better musicians, but also develop self-confidence, poise, and maturity. Because of these many benefits, participation in IMTA Festivals and/or Auditions is encouraged, although not required. I will be happy to provide you with more information at any time. There is a separate studio fee, as well as IMTA registration fees to participate in Festival and Auditions.
Iowa Federation of Music Clubs (IFMC): This is my first year as a senior (adult) member of the Federation of Music Clubs. Junior (student) Memberships may be purchased at $2 per student. Students may participate in a non-competitive festival through IFMC. All the great benefits as mentioned in the IMTA section above are the same for IFMC. IFMC offers a self-competitive only component. There is a separate studio fee, as well as IFMC registration fee to participate in IFMC Festival.
Recording: Occasionally, throughout the year, with permission, students will have the opportunity to be recorded for critique and teaching purposes. Much can be learned from listening to yourself perform. Learning to listen while you play is a crucial component of becoming a good musician. Occasionally, with permission, I may include a video on the website.
Thank you for reading!
Sherri Lauritsen Piano Studio - Striving to cultivate a lifetime love of music and music making!